Sunday, February 3, 2019

How to solve Azure Site Recovery - Error ID 78007 Provider error 95103

While configuring Azure site recovery, one of the most common errors you might receive is Error ID - 78007. If you look at the error, you will find that Microsoft suggests the culprit is WMI or firewall. Error message should be "Connectivity failure- Mobility agent installation failed on the source machine.

In my case, I checked that none of these were issues, as I was able to telnet to port 443 from source to configuration server without issues, and all the exceptions on firewall were in place. Also the File and print sharing was enabled as Microsoft suggests, on my source machine.

If this is the case with you as well, read along and the error should be resolved in no time.

On your source server find and uninstall the Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Mobility Service/Master Target Server service.

While setting up your configuration server, If you have chosen the default installation path, go to C:\ProgramData\ASR\home\svsystems\pushinstallsvc\repository directory on your configuration server. This directory contains the mobility agent installation files for different types of source machine OS, which Microsoft supports.

In my case, the target was a windows machine. So I selected the latest Windows_GA release and copied to my source server. You have to select the release as per your source machine OS. Once copied, double click to start the installation.

You can choose the installation directory at next step. I left it to default and click next.

Installation will proceed and will go through pre-requisites, installation and configurations.

Once the installation is completed, proceed with configuration and provide the Configuration server IP address and the passphrase for your recovery service vault.

If you don't have the passphrase handy, you can use below command to generate passphrase on your configuration server.
cd %ProgramData%\ASR\home\svsystems\bin genpassphrase.exe -v > MobSvc.passphrase

Once completed, go back to the recovery service vault page on Azure portal and restart the replication job.

You should be able to see the replication agent running successfully now.

Hope you find the post helpful.