Hello all,
I was setting up a transacitonal replication today, when I came accross this error with my LogReader Agent. Both the Publisher and Subscriber setups gave me a success message and then when I checked the data on the subscriber, it wasn't there.
I tried to find the reason for that with the help of job logs and the error it gave me was ---
"The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on 'MyMachineName'.
Status: 0, code: 15517, text: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. '
The actual solution to the problem was far away from what it reflected in the error messsage. The real problem was that my published database did not had any owner assigned to it. (and may be SQL Server is using the owner account to execute sp_replcmds in the background which if doesn't exists, defaults to dbo. SQL Server does it quite often!!!!) As soon as I assigned the owner to my database, stopped the service and started it again.... bingo... it started working.
Hope, the post is going to be usefull for you as well.